CORE10 won the commission to prepare a Facilities Master Plan, and subsequent Design for renovations and new construction, at Washington University's Tyson Research Center. This internationally renowned biology field station is uniquely located on 2,000 acres of native landscape originally used by the US Army as an ammunition depot after WWII.

Our sustainable and hands-on approach to the planning process revealed some terrific opportunities to repurpose the original military buildings.  CORE10’s design stripped the ammunitions warehouse down to its structure and designed new and efficient labs underneath with plenty of sheltered outdoor workspace, along with a new research garden over the former train tracks of the loading depot.  We also incorporated a restoration of the original headquarters into a bright new field station. Those renovations feature asbestos abatement, site and drainage modifications, composting toilets, grey water harvesting, a new fire pond, and many other environmentally sensitive, yet affordable, features that will set up Tyson to grow into its future.

Master plan solutions:

  • Create separate roads for Endangered Wolf Center and Tyson headquarters

  • Renovate 30K sf of ammunition warehouse space into new labs and research offices (put labs significantly closer to headquarters, separates office spaces)

  • Reorient headquarters building with a new kitchen and deck, creating a more private campus that connects to the labs

  • Upgrade garage with reflective roof insulation and skylights; high-volume, low-velocity fans; replace existing toilets with new pair of composting toilets